Front porches & Company

If you have a front porch then you know that it can have many jobs. 

Now at any given time on our front porch you’ll see our two dogs just kind of hanging out and checking who’s driving by during the day , I think they feel that they are guarding the house and farm. And what better angle than the porch? You’ll probably also see Checkers and Waffles our cats laying on the patio furniture doing… well nothing I think!  You can even catch a glimpse of a tomato or two in the sunshine away from the chickens trying to ripen. 

Even though because we live so close to the road it needs to be cleaned everyone once in awhile, I guess it’s just what you’ve got to do when you live in the country.  

But this weekend our porch was used for company and I loved it! 

We had a chance to have some of Daryl’s relatives stop by the farm and stay with us. And before we headed out for supper, we had some time to visit and what better place to do that than on the front porch. 

I had to smile because it was a typical night in the country. The air was warm, there was some fieldwork being done by the neighbors so they were driving around in the fields with tractors and wagons, chickens were running around our farm, and the dogs just wouldn’t leave us alone. Yup, a pretty typical night! 

But because our guests haven’t been to the farm for quite awhile because they live in California, it was our pleasure to have them stay with us while they were in the area. 

Now the house was anything but quite this weekend. See we also had a long time family friend’s wedding and William & Jude were going to that wedding too.  But they were getting home later and we would meet up with them when we got back from supper and a stop in our town. 

Off we went to a local restaurant and then to our town’s bar.

It was really a good time! Then back home to get settled in for the night and meet up with the kids. 

What a great way to start the weekend! Thanks Bruce and Diane for stopping by and staying the night with us. We loved seeing you and please stop by again when you in Iowa! 

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