Just not getting along

Well I knew that all our farm animals don’t always all get along – but today I found out just how much our peahens don’t like the Roosters.

I looked out the window today and saw thisfullsizeoutput_a7a

It’s our peahen being such a bully to Rocky the Rooster and Rocky is just trying to get away from her. Now even though Rocky isn’t my favorite chicken, it was the prime example of being a bully. I don’t know what, or if Rocky was doing anything, but when I was watching this whole thing play out I saw the peahen coming after Rocky and trying to fight him.


Finally Rocky went inside the brooder house and then guess what? In went the peahen. Then another peahen showed up and stopped for a second, looked around, and then slipped inside the chicken coop. Now what happened next is something that I don’t know. But I do know that all the chickens came running out and the peahens stayed inside.

I guess that’s why they call them chicken.


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