Posters – Found!

Today the weather was nice but with it getting so cold last night, I wanted to make sure that the farrowing house metal was warm enough to paint. It was still cold at 1:00, so I kept working on getting William’s pictures and ‘stuff’ to get organized for his school scrapbooks. BUT then as I was going through the totes that had Williams stuff stored in, I found my posters that I’ve been trying to find for the past 5 years! I couldn’t believe it. I remember when I put them in a safe spot and I said that it would be easy to find them. Yea, right! We were just starting to move out all of our furniture off the main floor for our remodeling when this whole thing started. Anyway,  I thought I looked in all the totes in our house. I checked out all the ones downstairs in the basement and the ones stored in the attic. I also took all the books out of our bookcase more than once and leafed through the pages thinking that I might have put these posters in there. That would have made sense to have it stored there – but they weren’t in there either. I was going crazy to find these posters and Daryl even said at one time that maybe I threw them out. What? I knew that I didn’t, but with the remodeling I thought that maybe someone thought that they were junk and tossed them. Now I know you’re probably wondering what are these once in a  lifetime posters? Well, I bought them at a garage sale or flea market and they probably could be trash to some people. They are upcoming movie fliers for a local movie theater that is no longer there. The fliers are dated 1967 and I just love them. Before they were lost, I had one of the area picture galleries hold back some matting that I wanted to use to frame a couple of them. The matting would have been just perfect and it was discontinued so I wanted him to keep me back some.  I had the spot in our house ready, but then I misplaced the posters. I’m calling him tomorrow to see if he still has that matting!

My long lost posters - found!

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2 Responses to Posters – Found!

  1. tammy k. says:

    glad you found them. i hope the matting is still available. the colors on those posters are eye catching. They would look real nice in a collage, i think. whatever you do with them, put up a picture! 🙂

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