Monday after Christmas

Now normally the day after Christmas isn’t too exciting right? Well that’s not the case in our house. Right now the Christmas tree is lit in the living room, the village is all decorated on top of the cupboards in the kitchen, and the oven is on waiting for the pumpkin roll and ham to be put in.

So what’s so great about the day after Christmas in our house? Well it’s the day that we are going to celebrate Christmas with the kids.

After Skyping with the kids last night to confirm their travels plans from New York20161225_190045_resizedDaryl left very early this morning for Minneapolis early to pick them up at the airport. I was so glad that our gravel roads improved overnight. They were the worst that either one of us ever saw last night! We were worried with all the slush and snow on the road that we wouldn’t make it home. Whew! We did, but it wasn’t fun – just saying! 

And right now the house is pretty quiet because the kids are still sleeping. And for me? Well the chores are done outside, and I’m fussing around the house to get it ready for the day. 

And the plan for our day is to chill out in the morning, open presents in the afternoon, and then watch The Christmas Carol tonight and play some games. 

This year was the year of change for us. See it was only Daryl and I home on Christmas Eve which literally was the first time in 30 years! Crazy right? Well we weren’t sure what our game plan was, so we went to Christmas mass at our church, wrapped presents,20161224_184047_resized and then headed over to Ma’s to meet up with my brothers and their families for a quick get together. On Christmas day my sister was hosting a ‘Whoever can make it’ dinner at her house and it turned out really nice and I think we all ate wayyyy too much!  So you can say we’re figuring out this next stop pretty well!  🙂

But today – today is when all the kids are home and we get to celebrate Christmas.

It's the year of BIG gifts it looks like!

It’s the year of BIG gifts it looks like!

So I hope you have a Merry Christmas with your families, either if you’ve already had it or if it’s still yet to come!  Bonnie20161213_165622_resized_1



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