Our little peacocks

When I was in the chicken coop tonight I just was so confused.

I saw the little peacocks sitting on top of the chicken cubicles and for the life of me I can’t figure out how they got there! 20161013_180935_resized

I mean they are little guys and that’s a really high spot to fly to.

So while I stood there just looking at them and wondering how in the world they got up there – they were also staring back and me wondering what I was doing. I confess, I must have looked kinda dumb. I just stood there.


Now our peahen is the best peahen Mom in the world! She covers up the babies at night by kind of sitting on them  so no one can get them. Smart girl. We don’t normally have too many wild animals with the dogs around, but we’ve had some mink and possums sneak in at night before – so it’s better to be safe than sorry! 

Back to the question – how do they get up there? I think it’s a mystery for now but I’m glad that they are still safe and doing well.  

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