Update on the babies

With literally tractors and farm equipment going back and forth on all the roads, and in every field you can see someone working up the ground, on our farm it’s no different. Daryl has been busy and I’m not sure what he’s doing most of the time but every once in awhile he gives me updates. 

I did catch that he had all our corn in which is a great thing! So now he’s working on getting ready to put in the soybeans. I’ve been busy after work these past few days and haven’t had a chance to catch up to take a picture of the fields lately, so hopefully I’ll get out there tomorrow night.

So with Daryl in the fields that brings me to making sure that all our animals are happy and fed. I grabbed my camera tonight to give you some quite pictures of some of them. 

First off is Charles with his dirty knees. (do calves have knees?)DSCN8853He is so stinking cute but a little shy. I’m working on trying to get him calmer so I can pet him but he’s hanging out too much with Sunny and well Sunny is wild! He runs through the cattle yard with both his back feet kicking up as high as he can. I’m not sure why he does this, but for some reason he really likes to! Daryl and I are going to have to try to catch both Sunny and Charles this coming week to castorate them. Then we’ll see how high Sunny kicks the next day. 

And because I’ve got meetings and other things that I do after my ‘regular’ job, I didn’t get to chores until later tonight. I’m thinking if Sassy could talk, I think she would ask just what in the world have I been doing! She looks kinda crabby if you ask me. DSCN8861

Here is a picture of Audrey. The cows have a pecking order when they eat and the younger cows eat when the elders say they can. And for Audrey that means she either has to sneak in and get some food or she’ll have to wait until they’re done. DSCN8859

And finally here’s a picture of our little chickens and our huge smiling ducks! DSCN8865They have grown a lot and seems to continue to grow. I tried to pick one of those ducks up and hold it but holy smokes! It screamed and then screamed some more. It got the little chickens so worked up that they almost flew to the top of the tank. And that’s pretty high! I knew that they were causing a big ruckus because when I gave up trying to pet the duck and was leaving the coop, two big cats were by the front door along with the dogs. They were looking at me like, ‘if we can’t eat them , than just what are YOU doing?’


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2 Responses to Update on the babies

  1. Ruth says:

    Love on the little chickies first??? Let the ducks watch??

  2. tammy k. says:

    love the pics! charles and audrey are my favs.

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