Seeding down the waterways

On Sunday we knew that Scarlet was close to having her baby so we wanted to stay around the farm for the day. Well when you say you’re going to stay around the farm – that usually means doing something that you just might as well get it over with. And what was that this Sunday? Well we were off to pick rocks in the waterway in our field. Not the most glamorous job but still a necessity if Daryl wanted to seed it down soon.

So after Scarlet had her baby, Daryl pulled the tractor in the yard and we were going to go out just for an hour or so. Well it didn’t take more than an hour to get the area picked but check out what we were up against!20160410_154721_resized Yea, we hit the honey hole if I ever saw one for rocks! 20160410_162254_resized

Now after all the job was done and the rocks out of the way, Daryl got the grain drill out tonight and got the area all seeded down. DSC_0394

And what are we going to do next Sunday? Well we’ve picked rock the last two – so this coming Sunday we decided not to pick rocks! 

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