Getting ready for Spring

Can you believe that it’s actually getting nice and warm outside? Hooray!! The sun has been shining more and more lately and the temperatures have been hovering around the 60’s some days. I’m so anxious to get our bikes out and even to start in the garden. Well I guess more on getting our bicycles out than cleaning up the garden to be real truthful!

So along with the good weather can you guess what Daryl’s been up to? Well once you take a look at this picture you can get a good idea that he’s starting to get the machinery out of the sheds and giving everything a good bath for the Spring.DSCN8758

With our equipment stored in the machine shed and with having pigeons and other birds hanging out in the rafters, the equipment can get a little messy if you know what I mean. Now I know that Daryl thinks that the peacocks are to blame – but I”m sticking to my guns and saying that it’s those dirty pigeons instead! I’ve wanted a gun to help reduce the population but for some reason Daryl is just a little hesitant on getting me a gun and much less for an anniversary gift. You know come to think of it, maybe I’ll get him a gun that I really would like for our anniversary 🙂

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