
I had a chance tonight to cash in my gift certificate for my pedicure that I got for Christmas from the guys. SCORE! I mean how much better can life be other than getting a pedicure? OK, massages are also pretty good too, but pedicures are the most awesome thing to do for yourself if you ask me.  

So I’m sitting in the chair and this really nice girl is painting my toe nails and she starts to talk about that she does threading. Now I’ve kinda heard of this before but I for sure wasn’t an expert. So I’m talking to her about it and she tells me that she’s from India and has studied this for 6 months to get her license. If you haven’t heard of this before, the person uses a plain cotton thread to form your eye brows. I’m telling you that I was intrigued. And after I got my toes all nice and pretty I said that I was in. She asked me if I was sure? Heck yeah, why not? My eye brows are not anything to brag about and I’m pretty sure that I kinda don’t even like them very much  – so what did I have to loose? Other than some funky hairy eye brows 🙂

Well then I got into the chair and laid back and she showed me what she was going to do and did a little test on me. Now that kinda hurt. But now that she had half of one side of my brows removed, I sure couldn’t tell her to stop now could I? I mean it would be a pretty big giveaway that I left half way through my session. So she kept going and then after awhile it didn’t seem too bad. Honestly it was pretty amazing to tell you the truth. Now how come when you leave the hair dresser or if you got a pedicure you seem to think that everyone is looking at your hair and nails? Well when I let the salon I felt that everyone was looking at my eye brows. Too funny! Would I go back? You bet. She was nice and really knew what she was doing.

Here is a what threading looks like. And nooooo this isn’t me in the photo – I’m sure you thought it was didn’t you?How-To-Do-Eyebrow-Threading-At-Home-–-DIY-With-Detailed-Steps-And-Images

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