Just what is that smell?

I was driving the small car the other day when all of a sudden I noticed a smell in the car that really wasn’t very good. And to be honest it was pretty much an awful smell! So I did what everyone does when they’re in this situation (OK, maybe just me).  I scrunched up my nose and squinted my eyes and while I was driving I was peering out the window to see if I could understand just where this odor was coming from. I’m not sure why I thought it was coming from the outside when I knew in my heart and nose that it was coming from inside the car. And do you know what it smells like? Well it smelt like really wet dirty feet. OK, now here’s the clue. So when I looked down I realized that I have the heater going full blast and it’s blowing on the floor mat which was pretty wet from my shoes today and also the whole last week. It must not have ever dried off at all and was just sitting there wet and kind grimy. Well at least I found the culprit of the car odor. I mean I like our car to have a smell to it. I don’t know.. something like leather or a new car, not necessarily like some old stinky socks or rotten shoes!

So even though the weather is calling for another blizzard to come through the area tonight and I’m sure the mats will become really wet again this week and probably stinky, I’m going to give them a good bath this afternoon. I found the Dawn dish soap and into the shower they go.DSCN8605 I have this one brush that is good for about 20 different things, and now I’m thinking it’s really good for 21 things. With a good scrub down from my brush and dish soap they went from yuck to not so bad and now all I have to do is to wait for them to dry. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow if it really was the mats!DSCN8606


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