Good-bye Chowder and Opal

We have had very bad luck these past weeks with our cats, and two in particular. The two that I’m talking about are Chowder and Opal. When they were first born we knew that they were special and they had spent more time in our house than probably a normal house cat would have. They’ve spent a lot of time upstairs just chilling out on the beds with the kids and you couldn’t ever stay mad at them because they were so cute! But a couple of weeks ago Chowder got in a fight with our dogs and must have gotten hurt inside. By the time the night came, we knew that she wouldn’t live until the next morning and we were right. It was pretty sad in our house that morning! Now on Saturday morning I noticed that Opal didn’t come barreling into the house with the rest of the cats when the front door is open. This wasn’t her normal behavior and it made me pretty nervous. Kyle called around quick to see what vet was open on a Saturday morning and was able to get in to have her checked out. It turned out that she had a stomach blockage and was too far gone to be saved. Let me just say it was another very sad day in our house. Now I know that it is all part of life but jeepers it sure would be nice not to get so attached to them wouldn’t it? So here is a couple of pictures that Kyle took of both little kitties.

Miss Opal

Miss Opal



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