Blowing snow on the farm

It started to snow on Monday and then it really started to blow as the night went on. It was one of those times when you just keep checking and checking the weather outside to see if you would be able to get out or not the next morning. And honesty it wasn’t going to change so I have no clue why I do check so often. It for sure isn’t because I want the kitties to come into the house as I’m checking the weather. I think their plan is that I will cave one of these times and just let stay them in. Well they are not so lucky!DSCN8494 And with Daryl and Kyle in Minneapolis waiting again for the second day for Kelcie to fly in, I knew that I for sure didn’t want to get stuck! But early this morning as I laid in bed I could hear the road grader guy drive by. SCORE! At least now I knew that all I had to do was to get to the gravel road. So I left way early this morning for work and hit the gas and made it out to the gravel road. Whew! I am so weird on how I use my vacation days at work and I never want to use them unless I absolutely have to, so I was feeling pretty good about this.

But now we had to get Kelcie into Minneapolis. She left early on Monday morning and on Tuesday afternoon she finally made it into the Minneapolis airport. I guess the weather was really playing havoc with the airlines. Wow, that was a terrible flight if I ever heard of one! And now the gang’s all here and it’s time for us to exchange our family gifts. We drew names awhile ago and tonight was the night to exchange them. As I was upstairs wrapping up a couple of gifts that didn’t make the first round of wrapping, there was quite a noise downstairs and it was the kids messing around and having a good old time. I found myself thinking that all the noise sure can make your house a home. Now I don’t want to kid you, we have more shoes and stuff in our house than normal and one day our refrigerator is full and then next day I’m at the grocery store. But I don’t think I would have it any other way.DSCN8490


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