Brown Sugar

OK, seriously who runs out of brown sugar around Christmas time? Well if you answered Bonnie – then you are tonight’s winner! Yes, I ran out of brown sugar. arrrrgggrrrrrr!! I was planning on pulling an all nighter in the kitchen tonight and now that I don’t have the brown sugar for a couple of the last recipes,  I have to make a decision. Do I drive 30 miles one way to go and get some more or do I just call it for the night and get it in the morning? I’ve got a couple of candy orders that I want done by tomorrow afternoon and if I don’t get it tonight I’m really going to be pushing it to get them done. And do you know how many times I looked at brown sugar this week in the grocery stores? A lot! But instead of buying the brown sugar, I kept buying powdered sugar. Now what in the world do you think I’ll need with 12 pounds of powdered sugar? So it’s after 11 pm right now and I’m sitting at the kitchen table with my pink reindeer jammies on going over the plan for tomorrow. Because I had gotten only around 3 hours of sleep last night due to some crazy coughing spells, I think I’m going to call it a night. I did get quite a bit done though tonight which I’m happy for.  I usually measure my success by how many dishwasher loads that I had to do and for tonight it was 3 loads 🙂 Kinda sad when I’m excited that I had this much dirty dishes isn’t it?

My small amount of brown sugar left in the cupboard

My small amount of brown sugar left in the cupboard

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