We’re ready

We are ready for company! The Roadhouse is cleaned and set up for a party and the house has been dusted and scrubbed. Now when we’re getting ready for company it always reminds me that we seriously need to dust and scrub more often and I think that should be on of my New Year’s Resolutions!

I had to laugh when I went into the Roadhouse a little bit ago, I’ve got candles on each table and a scented potpourri thing going in the corner and guess what you smell when you walk into the room? You smell hot sauce.  I’ve got a crock pot of cheese with salsa in it for chips later and that pretty much is taking over the room. Well there could be worse things to smell I guess on a farm 🙂

And for now we’re in the waiting mode. We got up early and we got as much done as we are planning to and are just hanging out until the first family arrives.  It seems like you either run like crazy and then just wait or your not quite done before your guests come. I think being done before hand is the better of the two choices if you ask me. For today I was hoping to have a bon fire going outside in the afternoon,  but we’re in some kind of a monsoon season here and it’s been raining quite a bit. No bon fire today! Good thing we’ve got the bean bags all ready to be set up inside the Roadhouse.

You know what? I’m getting kinda hungry…. I think I better go check on that cheese sauceDSCN8363


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