Here it comes!

It was a good thing that we turned our furnace on last might because Holy Smokes it’s snowing tonight! It started around 2:00 in the afternoon and by the time I got home form work, snow piles were starting to form in the yard.DSC_0329

and I’m guessing that it just might be the end of our outside flowers, don’t you think?DSC_0331

We all knew that it would come sooner or later, but it’s one of those things when you don’t quite want to believe it until it’s actually here. Then it just kind of slaps you in the face with the snow and cold air. Our original plans was to head out for the weekend, but I’m afraid that tomorrow is going to bring a lot of snow shoveling and time spent with the tractor and bucket instead. Seriously not as fun – I’m just saying!

And the photo of the day is a picture when I went to check out the cattle tonight after work. I had to laugh at Scarlet because she’s looking at me and I swear saying  ‘what is this?’DSC_0327

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2 Responses to Here it comes!

  1. ruth says:

    I’m thinking you are in the midwest, Iowa or Indiana, and a long ways from Maryland. But!! I bought a snow shovel at my grocery store yesterday. First time they’ve had them out and I wanted to be ready! I remember a few years ago when we needed a second shovel and there were NONE. Good Luck!

    • farm2011 says:

      That sounds like a great plan Ruth! We do live in Iowa and I had to laugh when I read your note because the first thing my husband said was ‘Do you know where the shovel is?’

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