Settling in

Well we all knew that it was coming. Yup, Fall is just around the corner. Even though the weather has been really really nice lately, at the end of the week it’s supposed to be in the 20’s. That’s such a dirty trick isn’t it?

So I finally gave in and decided to take in the rest of the garden produce. If you take green tomatoes and put them all together (usually in a brown bag) they’ll turn ripe. What I’ve been doing is to put them in a bigger container and in the sunshine on my counter – they’ll also turn ripe. So that’s my plan. I’ve got most of the green tomatoes out of the garden and now into my kitchen. If it doesn’t turn out so well – that’s OK too! DSC_0253

And while I was out in the garden I also decided to pick the chives to dry them. DSC_0254

I just need to get them washed and cleaned and into the dehydrator for the rest of tonight and tomorrow to dry. Then they’ll be added to my dried mason jar collection 🙂

Update: basement smell tonight? Onions!

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2 Responses to Settling in

  1. tammy k. says:

    you could always make green tomato relish or pickled green tomatoes. yum!

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