My tomato concoction

Now our kitchen usually smells like lilac or wildflowers because of my soap habit,  but tonight it smells mostly like tomatoes. I had a chance to mix the concoction of tomatoes, cumin, peppers, onions, and other things and guess what? It tastes pretty good. It’s a salsa recipe that I wanted to try with my roasted tomatoes and even though I had about 1/3 to 1/2 more of the tomatoes than I was supposed to have, so as I was mixing it up well I would just add a little more of the other ingredients than what was called out for.

So I got my Jethro Bodine kettle out DSCN8268and when I put everything in and I was so surprised – no I think that I was shocked how thick it turned out. DSCN8267Now I don’t know if it’s because I had done the roasting thing or what, but who cares! Tomorrow night I’m going to get it into canning jars and start up the next batch. I love canning just about anything and you just can’t beat the sound of the jar lid sealing. Yup, just can’t beat it.

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One Response to My tomato concoction

  1. tammy k. says:

    when i was a kid, i used to love listening for the sound of the jars ‘pinging’ when they sealed! i don’t can much these days, but when i do, that ping always makes me smile!

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