Mowing Lawn

Our lawnmower got sick the other day and it wasn’t good. When I say that it got sick I mean that we knew that there was something wrong and then it was starting to leak something out of the back. Yea, that’s never good right? Not for anyone 🙂 So Daryl loaded it up a couple of days ago and brought it in to be looked it.

Well the prognosis wasn’t good. Where it had the leak, it was also cracked.  OK, decision time. Do we trade her in for a new one and call it a day? Or do we have her fixed? After we found out what a leaking riding lawn mower was worth – we had no choice and had it fixed.

So with it being the end of August you would think that our lawn mowing days are over and that we could just schedule it sometime this late fall or winter. But the grass has done very well this year and needs to be mowed,  so we bit the bullet and had to get the lawnmower fixed this month.

Now fast forward and our lawnmower was done and Daryl had a chance to get it picked up and he said it worked really well. Who would have thought that we are still mowing the lawn though? Well one thing for sure, we’re sure hoping for a fourth crop of hay with all this good weather and rain that we’ve been having. And if that means that we need to keep mowing the lawn, I guess so be it!

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