Guess what’s next?

Can you guess what I’ve been thinking about? Well if you guessed having bees – well you would have guessed right!

Now I’m for sure not thinking of having them anytime soon, but I’ve been talking about it for a couple of years now and well it’s one of those things that I don’t think you should rush into 🙂

So while we were down at the State Fair this past weekend we just happened to end up by the Honey people (not sure what their real name was) anyway they really knew their stuff. I’ve never had a chance to talk for sometime with someone about just what all goes into having honey bees. So this really nice lady gave me information and told me about a couple of workshops that are coming up in Iowa that would be good for someone thinking about getting bees.

Now granted I am really not ready to get bees just yet (I think I’ve said this now a couple of times) , but man wouldn’t that be kinda cool? There’s such a science to it and for me I would need tons of good luck and not so much science! But there is a girl who I know who’s father in law has bees and she said that I could hang out with him for an afternoon. Pretty cool huh?

Here’s a picture of the bee hive that was at the fair last weekend. Amazing isn’t it?



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