Scaredy Chickens

Well we bit the bullet and put the little chickens in with the big girls. Yup it was about time.

How are they getting along?

Well here are the little girls in the chicken coop tonight

I had to bring in their favorite water tank so they all can stick togethe

I had to bring in their favorite water tank so they all can stick togethe

and here are the big girls watching themIMG_3208

As you can see they are not friends yet and are not commingling. So I sure hope they put on their big girl panties and start hanging out together soon. They’ve been in jail (chicken house) all of yesterday and today, so I’m thinking that they will get out tomorrow. They are kind of funny because when you go into the chicken coop the little girls just sit there and not really moving too much. And they seem to be saying, ‘are you sure that we should be in here’? To me they look like they are the freshman class in the PE locker room on the first day of school. No one is making eye contact and would give just about anything to leave! But I’ll let them all out tomorrow night and I sure hope the dogs play nice or I’m just saying that they’ll be in jail and not liking it at all!

The picture of the day is Daryl cutting hay Sunday afternoon. And now of course there’s a stray rain shower going by and it’s raining. Good for the corn but not so good for the hay 🙁IMG_3196

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