Getting to know my laptop

I won’t be calling myself computer savvy for awhile, but I am getting more used to this new laptop. The old saying is that you just have to use it to get used to it is really pretty true in this case.

So I’m trying every night to figure out something new on it and tonight’s adventure is to figure out more how to do pictures. I have to confess, up to now I’ve been downloading them on my old computer and then using the laptop to finish the post. Maybe not the best use of my time now is it?

But tonight I’ve made the switch. And I didn’t even say a bad word or anything which probably shocked me the most!

So here are some pictures that I am sharing tonight. They’re just photos of day to day stuff here on the farm.

The first one is that of our apple tree. As you can see they’re loaded for bear! A lot of the flowers will fall off with the spring winds and rain, but it sure looks pretty tonight.

Our apple tree in full bloom

Our apple tree in full bloom

The second one is a common sight these last couple of days. Thank goodness Daryl got our crops in before the cold front moved in along with the rain.

Spring rains are on the horizon

Spring rains are on the horizon

I’m starting to see how I want to wrap the soap once it’s ready to give as gifts and this is my first idea. I’m not sure if it’ll be my final plan, but at least it’s a start.

The tags look nice but they take way too long to make

The tags look nice but they take way too long to make

Now the last picture is of Daryl working up the ground the other day to plant soybeans. Can you tell on this one a found a photo program to make it fancy? And just maybe little bit too fancy now that I look at it closer! IMG_2828

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