Spending the night grubbing out trees

We spent tonight working late to start to grub out some trees that are in our fence line. For some reason these volunteer trees just will all of a sudden appear and will grow and grow if you don’t take care of them. And when I say ‘take care of them’ .. well I mean junk them out!

Daryl thought that the last time that we had them removed was about 10 years ago and as you can see – we’ve got our work ahead of us!IMG_2758

First things first though. Daryl had a chance to cut some of the trees off earlier, so honestly tonight’s work wasn’t so bad.IMG_2762 It was just a matter of picking up what was cut off and then trying to get them all on the wagon. And let me just say that this sometimes was the hardest part! I swear these trees have mind of their own and I’m thinking they made up their mind that they were not going to stay on the wagon. But with some perseverance and a tractor and loader – I’m just saying that if it was a contest we would have won! IMG_2763

Then after the first round of trees were loaded up, it was time to go back and get some more of the stubborn ones. If you’ve never done this before, what you do is to hook the log chain around the roots of the tree (or bush) and pull it out with the tractor. Some of these roots of these trees can be really long and honestly it almost looks like you’re pulling some type of a monster out of the ground. I’m not kidding!

After we got just about everything that we could on the wagon, IMG_2765off it goes to a tree pile that has other trees on it that has been piled up to dry.IMG_2766

And with some bad luck, the hydraulic hose didn’t work so I thought loading them was yucky work, well we just kicked it up a notch! For some reason once the trees were all loaded all the branches locked themselves together and it just wasn’t cool. But we did eventually get them unloaded and we were done for the night. It was starting to get dark, so the rest will have to wait until another day.

I had the truck in the field so I came home a little earlier than Daryl did because he was driving the tractor and wagon. And since I had my camera along with me I decided to snap a quick picture of what I saw in the cow yard once I pulled into our farm. I wanted to show how good our cows are getting along with sharing with the chickens. As long as they don’t step on anyone – I think we’re all good!IMG_2757

The photo of the day is that of the roots of one of the volunteer trees that was in our fence line. I am as amazed as much this year and I’ve been in the past years on how crazy the roots are. I mean the trees are so ugly but these roots – well they’re kinda cool.IMG_2761

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