Just like riding a bike

I haven’t made candy for .. well a couple of months now and with Easter just around the corner and after I promised that I’d send a box to New York for Kyle, I thought I’d better get it in gear! First things first. What should I make? Well my Mom had made some of her famous Rose Mary bars and they were for sure going in the Easter box. Now if you’re wondering why they are called ‘Rose Mary bars’ well it’s a pretty simple story. The reason that they are called this is because my Aunt Rose Mary always made them when I was a kid and what better name to call them? As you can tell life in my world is pretty simple 🙂 Now not to get too caught up on these bars – but I don’t know too many other Mom’s that have made a specific bar that qualifies her to have shipped these bars Internationally! Yes Sir!! She has shipped her bars to China, United Emirates in Dubai, South Korea and now they will be also be shipped to the East Coast – New York. Not bad Ma.. not bad at all! So I’m going to publicly rename these bars to Ma’s Bars. You go girl!! 

Ma's bars

Ma’s bars

But what should I make? It had to be easy and also travel well. Shipping to New York can be either a 7 day trip or a 3 day trip. You just never know. So I finally decided on some chocolate peanut clusters and home made turtles. But I haven’t made either of these for a couple of months and I literally had to get out the recipe book. It felt kinda weird to be honest.

Diane's recipe for chocolate peanut clusters

Diane’s recipe for chocolate peanut clusters

Home made caramel pecan turtles all ready to go!

Home made caramel pecan turtles all ready to go!

Once they were both done and I didn’t run into any issues, it was time to pack the box. I didn’t make it too big and was able to get everything that I wanted into the box. I’ll head to the Post Office tomorrow on my lunch hour so it will get to the kids by Easter. Keep your fingers crossed!  While I was in the kitchen I kept hearing a whole lot of noise coming from outside. I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised because it is Spring and for some reason when Spring comes around – well so does all your machinery! Daryl was getting the planter out and some other equipment out to get it all washed up and ready for planting. Now doesn’t it seem like I just wrote about him doing this not so long ago? So here is the photo of the day – it’s called ‘Getting ready for Spring’DSCN9703

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2 Responses to Just like riding a bike

  1. Becky says:

    Your candy looks beautiful and delicious! I wonder what is in Ma’s Bars. Would you mind sharing the recipe? Also, by the way, Dubai is a city (and emirate) in the United Arab Emirates, so the phrase should be “Dubai in the United Arab Emirates”. It’s a really common mistake, in fact when I was moving to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates people asked me all the time if it was in Dubai. I love the city and the country and am very impressed that the candy made it out here! Good packing skills!
    Love reading your posts!

    • farm2011 says:

      Hi Becky, I’ll try to post the recipe for ‘Ma’s bars’ tomorrow.
      And you’re right about Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, it seems like I have said that wrong more than once 🙂 Watch for the posting this weekend on the recipe!

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