Sunday, Best Day

I must admit something, Daryl and I really didn’t work too hard today. I mean, we got up late and watched a movie for most of the morning! Crazy isn’t it? We had NO intentions of spending the morning watching this movie but it was so darn good, well I just couldn’t leave it. 

The movie was called ‘Million Dollar Baby’ and I could see why it was so many awards. It’s kind of an old movie (2004) but we don’t watch too many movies and I was sure glad that we stumbled on this one this morning. I’ve come to the conclusion that I think I must like about any movie Clint Eastwood is in anyway. But if you get a chance to catch this movie – especially on a Sunday morning.. I say go for it! 

Then it was crunch time! First things first. I had the wet towels left over from the supper last night from our church so that went into the laundry machine first. And following that was some bed sheets and towels. While all of that was going on, some fast room pickups to get rid of some of the clutter, catching up on some paperwork, and then…. 

then it is my favorite time of the week. It’s the time that we get together with the boys to skype and see what’s all going on in their neck of the woods. It’s always so nice to see their faces and with Kyle half way across the world and William a couple of hours from us – it’s just a really nice time.DSCN9674We usually only talk for about 30 minutes and then Kyle needs to get ready for classes. With the time changing last week, the difference between us and Kyle is now only 14 hours, it’s the next day there. 

What else did I do today? Now I’m sure you’re guessing that I made some soap, right? If that’s what your thinking… YOU ARE CORRECT !! Whoo Hooo! I made some lavender soap and it was my first time that I mixed in some coloring (boughten stuff this time!!) It wasn’t as dark as I would have wanted it to be, so the next time I’ll know better. All the reviews on the web say that it’s just kind of live and learn and, well today I guess I did the learning thing. 

Do you know what else that I did today? I ordered our new baby chickens. Yup! It is that time of the year. Even though our chickens are diggin’ the good weather lately and started to lay again. I’m thinking they are hoping to sit on these eggs – yea.. not going to happen. No big rooster remember? DSCN9645Our chickens are getting a couple of years old now and it’s time to get some new ones hanging out in the group. So I was doing some research on the web this afternoon and was trying to find a hatchery that would hatch some Araucanas. Now if you are wondering what the Araucana chickens are,  well they’re a fairly new breed in the chicken world. They were recognized by the American Poultry Association as a breed only in 1976. They are blue egg layers with yellow skin, no tails, no beards and no muffs. They have ear tufts, which are feathers that grow from a slender, fleshy flap just below the ear. And if you ask my opinion, there are no two chickens in this breed that will look alike. 

So like I said, I’m looking to see where I can get some and wasn’t having too much luck. Then I got this brain fart and realized that there was a hatchery only about 15 miles from our farm and so I wondered if they would carry them? It was around 5:30 in the afternoon, but I decided to call them anyway. And guess what? SCORE! Not only can they get me some, but they were even a better price than the ones that I did find that I could order. Now since they were less than I had budgeted, I also bought some red chickens and some black ones. I forgot what the guy said they were called for sure, but they lay some nice brown eggs. It’s going to take about 3 weeks before I can get them and I know one thing for sure, they are not going to get too close to any waterer this time!! 

Now it’s bed time and the upcoming week is in front of us. I know that Daryl started to clean out the cow yards and will want to continue with that if the weather holds out. DSCN9643But for me? Well, I’m not sure what’s all in store for me just yet. I got quite a bit of the laundry all washed and dried today and now it’s time to get the church towels folded and hit the hay. DSCN9671

The photo of the day is one that I took this weekend of Giggles. He is pretty darn cute! 





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