Blizzard Warnings out for Thursday

There was some talk this afternoon that we were under a Blizzard Warning for our area. What? That sounds a little crazy if you ask me – I mean it didn’t look that bad outside and a Blizzard Warning? Well usually they’re right, but in this case I was sure hoping that they were wrong. At least until we all got home from work. So as the day went on, it still wasn’t so bad out and that was how the day was – pretty uneventful as the weather goes. When I was going home, I did notice that the wind was picking up a little bit more and by the time I was pulling into the garage, well the snow was blowing around pretty good. It didn’t take long and then I realized why we were under a warning – holy smokes did it get windy! At one point I couldn’t even see the barn across the yard. Now this makes it kind of hard to get excited and dressed up to go outside, but I thought I better check on the animals and see how everyone is doing. As I was getting dressed – this is what the window in our laundry room looked like.DSCN9493 Now I was thinking to myself – well maybe Daryl might be coming home pretty soon and I should just stay in the house. This new plan sounded like a Great Idea!  After stalling way too long, I realized that he wasn’t coming home soon – so I put on about 4 layers and then the overalls went over the whole thing. I literally couldn’t even hardly walk! I’m thinking to myself why in the world would anyone go to a gym to get exercise? Just get dressed up for chores and walk through the snow drifts and  that would count for any amount of exercise that you needed to do for the day.  The first thing that I noticed was the really crazy sky. It wasn’t snowing anymore, but it was blowing so bad that you thought it was. You could literally see the stars about the wind blown snow. The last time I’ve ever seen the sky like this since was … well maybe never that I can remember.

The bottom part of the sky isn't mountains or anything, it's snow blowing around

The bottom part of the sky isn’t mountains or anything, it’s snow blowing around

Then off to check on the chickens. I brought a bunch of hay for their coop for them to lay on, but I’m guessing that they want to stay up high and together for the night. Now I would think being low and snuggle in would be the best (it works for me!) but this is how they spent their night. DSCN9504bAbout this time Daryl was just pulling into the yard and said that he had to stop about 4 times in a mile because of complete white outs. The first thing that he wanted to do now that he was home was to make sure that the water lines weren’t frozen in the milk house. Whew! nothing was frozen. Next thing? Crank up the heater and warm up the animals in the barn. Now the barn animals – dogs & cats, do snuggle up in the hay and straw unlike the chickens and I’m thinking that it’s a much smarter idea if you ask me! But when the heater goes on – well out come the cats and dogs. It’s just convenient that we also have chairs by it for us 🙂IMG_2207 I just laughed at Checkers the cat because after I took this one picture, she literally went around and looked inside the heater. I don’t understand why she didn’t know that it was going to be hot —-IMG_2203but we figured that she’ll be smelling the burnt cat hair for awhile.

You could still hear the wind blowing outside, but most of the snow that was loose now found a new home, so it was just windy and cold outside by the time it was dark.IMG_2205 Did I say it was cold? Yea it was really cold. Time to go inside the house and turn on the fireplace. IMG_2197


The picture of the day is a selfie of Reno and I. That’s how it started out anyway until Kaiser photo bombed it!

It started out as a selfie of Reno and I.

Hanging out in the barn

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