Bagged a good one!

I was walking through the living room when Daryl pulled into the yard tonight after work. Now no big deal right? Well, the truck caught my eye because I could see something in the back of it and realized that it was a knipco heater. I knew that he was having trouble with ours and talked about getting it fixed now for a couple of weeks. But the problem was because it’s been around the block a couple of times – well no one really works on them anymore. So the next step was that Daryl was researching the parts needed on line to see if he could order them or have the Implement store order them and then have it fixed. So when I saw Daryl pull into the yard tonight, my first thought is that it was our old one. Then I realized that it was a brand new one! It was sticking out of the back of the truck as if it was some kind of trophy. I’m not kidding you. It was like if you are a deer hunter and if you get a big buck with a huge rack, you just have to drive one more time through town. Yea, kind of like that. The only difference was that instead of some dead deer, he had bagged a bright new shiny knipco heater. Shazam!! So into the barn it goes and come to think of it, I haven’t seen Daryl, William, the dogs, or the cats much since 🙂

As for me? Well I’m staying in the house and making more soap. I took out the first ones that I made last night out of my handy dandy soap mold and it worked slicker than snot! And I think I even like the scent. I guess I’ll know more once it’s cured, but for now it’s not so bad.  DSCN9481 So then I thought to myself, maybe I should make another batch of something else?  So back to the drawing board I go and found a soap called ‘The Sunshine Soap’ It has Peppermint, Orange, and also Lime in it. It’s supposed to wake you up in the morning. It was a new recipe again, and I guess it’s the only way to learn which ones are good. So I also saw that you can add stuff in between the layers of the soap so I decided on adding some dried ground lemon peel. I think you’re only supposed to add a little, but a little more couldn’t hurt could it?

After supper and the kitchen was all cleaned up, I decided to make William a cheesecake. For some reason I always forget that I don’t have to send tons of food with him when he leaves, but honestly it doesn’t hurt anything now does it?

Vanilla Cheesecake with cookie and pecan crust

Vanilla Cheesecake with cookie and pecan crust

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