
The alarms went off in time this morning and soon everyone was getting showers and ready to head back to South Korea, New York, and Iowa. With a McDonald’s just literally at the end of the block from our hotel, Daryl went out to make a breakfast run and came back with a bunch of breakfast sandwiches. Now you would think that we shouldn’t be hungry, yea…. After the sandwiches were gone and confirmed that the flights were all on time, it was time to head down to the lobby for the kids to catch the shuttle for the airport. I was pretty proud of myself because I’ve gotten so much better at the ‘good-bye’s’ with the kids. But maybe this time wasn’t so bad because we’ll see each other again in the Spring. DSCN9443

Now for the 6 hours to drive back to Iowa. This morning we were woke up by the city trucks and just knew that it had snowed outside. But once we looked, it wasn’t too bad so we weren’t too worried. We wanted to wait until it got a little warmer outside to get the roads cleared and then we would start to head back. At the front desk the check out person said that the roads were really slippery this morning so good call by us to head to Chicago last night! Once we got started the roads were pretty much melted and we were feeling pretty good about the drive. DSCN9447Then as we were talking about how good the roads were, all of a sudden the traffic started to backup. And not just one lane but both lanes. As we all inched our way what seemed for miles, we finally found out just what happened. Someone lost control and crossed over the medium and was hit broadsided. It didn’t look good and we found out later that the young kid who was driving was killed. So everyone was just a little more conscience of how the roads were and we eventually drove out of the wet weather and made it home around 5 o’clock that night. Pretty uneventful drive and which in this case is good!

The picture of the day is that of the bridge by Dubuque going over the Mississippi River DSCN9448 copy

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2 Responses to Traveling

  1. DW AB says:

    I still haven’t mastered saying goodbye. Glad you had a safe trip.

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