Packing suitcases

I took a vacation day from working in town which turned out to be a really good idea. Kyle and Kelcie were packing their suitcases and I needed to get some things organized around the house. Now could I have done this last night – well yea… but it’s so much better to do it during the day. I started to clean out the refrigerator and freeze what we won’t be using these next couple of days. We ended up having a huge spread of take out Chinese for supper last night, so today everyone was on their own for warm ups. After dinner the kids kept working on packing and Kyle said that his suitcase just literally had died. The material was so thin on the bottom, I was worried that it would just fall apart. But this suitcase sure put in it’s time! Kyle got it 10 or 11 years ago and it has been around the world ever since. Come to think of it, maybe even twice!DSCN9430 So out to the burn barrel it goes and we had another suitcase that will hold up better for him to use.

Once Daryl got home from work and the car was packed, it was time to head to Chicago. We debated if we were going to go tonight or wait until the morning, but I think it’s better to be safe than sorry if the weather turns,  and we decided to get a hotel room for the night in Chicago by the airport. Before we hit the Illinois border, we stopped to put gas in the car. It was the lowest price that we’ve seen so far this winter! 6279_872927529413593_7452223178335292478_n At this price, we should seriously take more trips don’t you think? Well for now, we’re on our way to Chicago and the weather is really good for driving. We got to the hotel around 10:00 pm and had put in an order for some Chicago pizza to be delivered. Even though the drive wasn’t bad, it didn’t take long after the pizza was ate for everyone to head the sack. We just have to make sure that we get up on time for the flights. In our room the alarm clock would get set and then when you looked at it later it went back to 12:00 and just kept blinking. Crazy thing! So we set our phones instead. Now that sounds even crazier doesn’t it?

The photo of the day is one that I took looking outside our hotel window tonight in Chicago DSCN9440

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