Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you! What a couple of great days we’ve had so far and our family Christmas and my Mom’s hasn’t even happened yet!

We started the celebration out last night by going to our church for the Christmas mass. Now we knew that we had to get to the church early enough to get a good seat and even though the church was packed when the Mass started, there was still plenty of seats available once they got out the folding chairs in the back. So while we were in church we were behind a couple that had two little kids. The mass was long even for me and after a couple of comments that I could hear from these two kids – well they were thinking the same thing. So as the mass was going, I caught the look that the Mom gave the Dad when the smallest kid wouldn’t sit still. For some reason I completely forgot about ‘the look’ between parents. Now I’m sure that Daryl and I did it and I’m guessing that there are a lot of you reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. So once I noticed that these two in front of us were doing this it was hard not to notice more of these looks as the mass was going on. There was the look that they gave each other when the first kid had to be taken out to go to the bathroom, and then the second look when they just got back to the pew and the second kid had to go to the bathroom. There was the slight look to the Dad from the Mom after she brushed her hand over the one kids forehead and then a more worried look back when the Dad put his hand on the kids head and kind of grimaced back to the Mom. Now the next look was from me to Daryl when I was watching this whole thing go down and thinking if this kid gets sick, I’m going to get sick too! I’m such a social puker! But no one got sick and soon the service was over. Now if you’re wondering if I got anything out of mass or just watched this couple, I really did get something out of the Mass. But I must admit it was hard to overlook all the sign language that this couple was giving each other with just only looks. Back home we went and I needed to make two more candy platters before we left for the night. We were heading to my brother and sister in laws for a Christmas Eve party. This tradition has started only in the past couple of years and it’s a good one to keep going. There is a lot of food, drinks, games, and laughing that goes on! This morning was Christmas morning and it was kinda strange for our family. The reason that I say this is because this year is the first year that we’re not having Christmas until Sunday night when Kyle and his friend will be home. But no big deal and we skyped with Kyle early this morning to wish him a Merry Christmas,  and we were able to hang out with William most of the day which was really nice. Now the day is almost over and I’m making a list because I’m going shopping early tomorrow morning. Not really to get the good deals after Christmas, but to pick up a couple of things and get some groceries. We’ll have the kids for about a week coming and going and I’m thinking that our cupboards need to be replenished.

The photo of the day is what was on our lawn this afternoon. I guess the dogs didn’t get the memo that we’re celebrating Christmas a little later this year and they are now on the NAUGHTY list! It looks like they might have dug a new hole (in the background) to bury their coal in that they should be expecting from Santa! DSCN9344

From our family to yours – I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

Our farm late tonight

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