Around the farm

With Christmas being over just last week, it seems like things are just a little quieter these days. Scarlet is still drinking out of the bottle because Sassy isn’t cooperating at all with letting her nurse from her and even the weather has settled down a little bit. It’s been nice to be able to stop and take a breath. But since it’s been a little slower, I decided to volunteer to help with a local festival at our town. I went to one of the meetings, only to find out that they didn’t really need help and I might just be getting in the way. But then someone from the committee called and asked if I’d help out with an Irish Stew supper coming up in March. Now with being 100% German and marrying a full blooded German, my knowledge of anything to do with Irish culture (or anyone else’s ) is pretty slim and next to nothing. But I decided that it’s been too long since I have been on a committee and I jumped back in. This will be the first year that our town will be hosting this supper and we had our first meeting tonight. There won’t be too much to do for it and it kind of felt good to be on a committee helping  again. Man… what am I saying?!!

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Cleaning the Roadhouse

With all the activity in the Roadhouse for Christmas, it really wasn’t bad at all to get it cleaned up. A few garbage bags full of wrapping paper and boxes and a quick vacuum and it was done. What took the longest was probably hauling the crock pots into the house to get cleaned. But then luck was on my side and Kyle said that he’d get them washed and not to worry about it. Score!

I had to laugh though when we were hauling things back and forth to the house I saw a cat watching us from the barn. At first I thought it was Little Kitty, but when I found him getting under my feet I knew that it was a big orange Tom Cat that was hanging around. He had the perfect spot to keep an eye on us and to get warm in the sunshine at the same time.DSC_0004a

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Merry Christmas!

What a day we had! The morning started out with snow and by around noon the sun was shining and we were just starting to get everything organized to eat. We were shooting to eat around 11:00, but with the roads being snow covered and icy, I was just glad that everyone who was planning on coming made it! Today was going to be all about just being together and not so much about schedules.

We had a full crowd. I counted 40 people which is pretty good. If everyone would be able to make it, we would have around 48 of us. Whew! What a crew huh? The day started out with a meal of course. It’s no secret that when our family gets together we eat, and honestly we eat really well! My Mom’s family are all really good cooks and even though I don’t think we’re up to their skill level yet, we can hold our own. Not only with my sisters but also my sister-in-laws. So with a couple of tables of food to choose from, our saying is that if you go home hungry, well that’s just your own fault! DSCN7862DSCN7867aAfter everyone was done with dinner, we cleared the tables and got ready for the gifts. Now Mom spends the whole year planning and buying gifts and it was amazing to me to see that she got every gift right again. I have no idea how she can do this, but from matching bathrobes for the little girls when they have sleep overs to bird baths, everything was perfect. And who was the go to guy once the kids gifts were opened?  Daryl had a screw driver and with the remote control motorcycles and helicopters, he was the popular guy. One the toys were out of the boxes and all the batteries were in, the kids were all off and playing and laughing in the other side of the Roadhouse.  I’m positive there are going to be a bunch of tired kids tonight around our area. DSCN7870 Then after Ma’s gifts were done, we set up the exchange gifts. Now this is a little bit more complicated. What we do is to buy a gift, it can be either a girls gift, a guys gift, or a neutral gift that either a girl or guy would like. Then comes the drawing of the numbers. You would think that this wouldn’t be so hard wouldn’t you? Well let me tell you that it’s not a walk in the park by any means. What you have to do is to make numbers and then have everyone draw a number to say when their turn to get a present. But when you’re trying to figure out who’s in on the exchange – yea, it’s not so easy. What we’ve done the last couple of years is just to ‘guess’ on the numbers and then if you have some extras – oh well, they just get passed over. So now the game begins. DSCN7881This year the drawing began on the highest number and as the game goes on, you can either pick a new gift from the middle or steal someone else’s. After tons of stealing and strategy, most of the gifts were stole the limit of two times. I think the game lasted about an hour and a half and once it’s over, everyone is thinking what presents they should bring the next year for the game that everyone would like.

While we were playing this game, the little kids were busy playing air hockey, ball, and even tag. Little Kitty made an entrance into the Roadhouse more than once and seemed to be a hit. I was worried that when he plays, he seems to want to grab your hand and bite you. DSCN7910But he behaved himself and I think he liked to be chased by all the kids. Little Kitty isn’t that old and he only has the dog to play with, so playing with all the kids was probably pretty fun for him. And at the end of the night he was headed for his usual spot to try to relax and unwind. I think he’s got that down pretty good, don’t you? DSCN7855

Next thing to do was to check out the barn. When I mentioned that Daryl was going to go in the barn to look at Scarlet, all the kids ran to get their coats and hats and off they went to check out the new little calf. I laughed when one of the little boys couldn’t find his coat, only to find out that his brother took it and was already in the barn. So he grabbed his brothers coat and off he went. They were gone for longer than I expected, but soon they came back and was ready to play some more games. Cards and board games all came out for the afternoon, and then it was time to start to get everything organized to head home.DSCN7906

DSCN7936At the end of the day, we all decided that even though it was February and not December, we sure had a good time this year at Christmas! We were all so glad that Mom was doing better and also that we were able to just hang out on a Saturday afternoon in February together. Merry Christmas!

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Getting ready for a Party!

With Mom being in the hospital over Christmas and New Years, we decided to hold off on having our families Christmas until this Saturday. It was supposed to snow (again!) but hopefully the weather can just hold out for one day. I mean, come on! But the plans were to still have the Christmas party and off to town I went to get some stuff that I needed. I hadn’t had the chance to pick up some groceries and I also wanted to check out some tables and chairs that were on sale. It wasn’t going to hurt to look right? Well, I got everything that I needed and back home I went. William was outside when I pulled into the yard, so he was the guy who helped me unload the car. Then it was  time to get the Roadhouse ready for tomorrow. With running back and forth to the house and Roadhouse I kept hearing No Ears just bawling. Now what in the world is the matter with her? Come to find out that she does not like it at all that Sassy is in the barn. I think she remembers when Rion and Spoiled Baby got separated from her and taken away. And maybe she’s thinking that something is going to happen to Sassy too? Well, she’s just going to have to get over that because it will be a change for a little while and hopefully No Ears won’t get too upset. Kyle helped me set up the tables in the Roadhouse and to get it ready for tomorrow. It looks pretty good and it should be fine for almost everyone to sit down. Man I guess I should have bought just one more table!DSCN7859

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We’ve been trying to get Sassy in the barn for some time now and as you know it hasn’t been just too successful! We’ve tried showing her the little calf, we’ve tried to trick her into putting hay and corn in the barn, we left the barn doors open for a couple of days, all just to try to coax her into the barn so Scarlet can nurse from her. Well, nothing worked… until today. Daryl only put corn in the barn for the cows again tonight thinking that eventually she’ll have to come in when he’s out there.  Like clock work of course Ed was the first one in. He sure has the male dominance thing going on! Then No Ears and Tango aren’t too far behind. When they were done, they all went outside. All of a sudden Daryl just couldn’t believe it. Here Sassy puts her front legs in. She kind of looks around and obviously doesn’t see Daryl,  and then she slowly puts her back legs into the barn. Well that was enough for Daryl to hurry and shut the door. Surprise! IMG_1290Poor Sassy didn’t know what happened to her! But now she was in and she was going to stay for awhile. IMG_1291Once Scarlet saw that Sassy was in the pen, she started to bawl like crazy. She knew what she wanted, but of course Sassy wasn’t ready to give it to her just yet. I checked on her later and when I came to the house I told Daryl that I had the worst time trying to get out of the barn. He looked a little confused on why I would say that and I told him that Scarlet just kept following me around and I couldn’t sneak out. She was just literally one step behind me the whole time. I found out that Scarlet wasn’t supposed to be out of Sassy’s pen and it didn’t take long and Daryl went back out and put her in the Milk House for the night. I guess we’ll try to see if Sassy is ready tomorrow.

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Road Grader Man and Miss Scarlet

When you live out in the country there are some people that you want to make friends with. And one of them is the Road Grader Man. Even though his friendship in the summer is still important, it can’t beat his friendship in the winter. Now I don’t know if you live out in the country and have a road grader go by your house – but this is how it works for us. On cold and stormy days, we lay in bed and try to listen for a noise coming up our road. Since we remodeled it’s become a little bit harder to listen for, but you can still hear him coming if you listen close. It’ll be almost to the minute of  5:30 am when you hear a faint noise and then you can start to hear some scraping outside. It’s the road grader man clearing our gravel road and you wake up smiling knowing that the road will be clear. You always want to stay on the good side of this person because he’s the guy who will say that either you’ll get to work on time, or you’re going to be staying home for the day. Every time I meet him I make sure that I give him plenty of room or I even stop at the end of the road just so he can do his job and I won’t get in the way. And as he drives by I give him a big smile and a wave to say, Thanks!IMG_1286a

Miss Scarlet is doing really good and I had to laugh when Daryl told me tonight that he was going to take her outside so Sassy would see her and hopefully let her drink. When Daryl opened the milk house door to take Scarlet outside, he said that she followed him all the way through the barn and to the outside cow yard. He said she was so good and then she stood in the yard and just bawled for her mother. Sassy came over to her and let her drink for just a second and then off she went again. Now No Ears om the other hand does want to be her mother, so I don’t know what we’ll do. The weather did get up to around 20 degrees above 0 today, so that’s tons better than where we were a week ago. But it’s still too cold for the little calf. So back she followed Daryl through the barn and into the milk house for the night. Daryl did buy some milk replacer for the calf and that’s what she’s been drinking twice a day. It would be so much easier though if Sassy would just cooperate!

Mixing up the milk replacer this morning

Mixing up the milk replacer this morning


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We have a new baby!

OK, first things first.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to get to work today, and I don’t know about you but I worry about it all night. You watch the weather out the front door all night,  you listen to the 10:00 news for the forecast, and then you lay in bed listening if it’s getting better or worse. I did do better than I have in my past job, but I did still stew around the house tonight. It’s like your unsettled or something. So this morning? It was still blowing some but the road grader went by at his usual time of 5:30 am, so I thought I was safe. Daryl took off in front of me with the pick up and called me when he got to the highway. He said that the roads weren’t bad, but be careful when I turn North. This road has some good drifts on it but you could still get through.  OK, off I went. Well, it was snow covered and did have some pretty good drifts, but I made it. Then the phone rang and it was work. Hardly anyone could make it in and if the roads were bad just stay home. I had no idea what I should do and I literally just sat at the stop sign for a minute or two to think about it. I thought to myself that I was dressed and I might as well go in. A quick stop at the gas station for a piece of breakfast pizza and a big Diet Coke and I was on my way. As I’m driving I’m thinking ‘Is this really something that I should do?’  The highway wasn’t bad at all, but I wasn’t so sure that in a couple of hours that I’d get back in on the gravel roads. So I drove for about a mile and then turned around to go back home. But then I started to think is it really worth a vacation day? You really would have swore that I was trying to figure out world hunger or something. My final decision was to go back home while I could still drive on the gravel roads. Man oh man was I glad that I chose to do that! My tracks were already blown shut and about half of the drive was in white outs. This weather is just crazy! So I got home, ate my pizza, but still stayed dressed for about an hour.. you know just in case. I finally changed clothes and headed outside to check on the cows. With all the winds and snow, it did make some of the most common things on the farm really pretty. I mean, who would have thought hay would be so cool looking right?DSCN7849aDSCN7845a And even though the front porch will need to get cleaned off later this morning, it still had kind of a magical look to it.DSCN7836 Even the sundogs were out this morning.DSCN7840 I wasn’t sure what the sundogs really meant so I looked it up quick. There’s really a lot to read on sundogs on the web, but I think this information kind of sums it all up. It goes like this  – – As it got past Christmas and into January and the temperature started dropping in the late afternoon, the old-timers would squint up at the sundogs and say, “Tonight will be clear as a bell and cold as hell.” And you know what? I think that saying is accurate for us tonight.

So even though I was off today, I wasn’t very focused at all in the morning. I wasn’t planning on being off, so I didn’t have my day planned. But as the afternoon rolled around things got better. Our furnace has been making a clunking noise lately and I called the repair guys to stop over to look at it one of these days. And if they’re coming into our basement, I thought that I’d better get it just a little bit more organized than it was. So I spent most of the afternoon working down there and when it got to be around 3:30, Kyle headed out to check on Sassy. When I was doing chores this morning I could see that she was so close to having her baby, that we wanted to make sure that we know about it if she does. The wind chill today was around -40 and a poor little calf couldn’t survive in that type of weather.

It didn’t take long and he was back in the house. Sassy did have her baby! Oh no! So I grabbed my overalls and boots and headed out to see just how cold this calf was and what we should do next. We also gave Daryl a quick call at work to see how long he had to stay and if he could come home to help. They were having some trouble at his work and he promised that he’d be home as soon as he could. So off Kyle and I went to get the calf in the barn to get her cleaned up and warm. She was just shivering and I’m thinking that her ears might have gotten frozen. But she was walking and looked pretty healthy considering she was born on a very cold day. Kyle ran and got the heat lamp and some twine string and soon the heat lamp was above the calf and her coat was just steaming. We kept rubbing her to try to get her warm and then we grabbed some paper towels to dry her off more. I called Daryl again and said that we couldn’t get Sassy in the barn and No Ears wanted to claim the calf. Our next thing was to try to get the little calf warm faster. So Kyle went to grab the nipco and we plugged it in. Nothing. We unplugged it and plugged it in again. Nothing. We changed extension cords. Nothing. It WAS just working in the Roadhouse. OK, so I called Daryl back again and he gave me some ideas on how to try to get it working. I thought I fixed it to how he said and then we plugged it in again. Nothing. After quite a few calls to Daryl, he finally pulled into the yard and was able to get it working again. I guess I plugged the one wire inside into the wrong slot. If I need to fix it again, I’ll know the trick the next time. So after the calf was dry and warm we worked for quite a long time to get Sassy into the barn. This is her first calf and let’s just say that she’s not so good at it yet. We knew that getting her into the barn tonight was just not going to happen, so we moved the little calf into the new milk house. This has a heater that is going and will keep her warm tonight. But without any milk in her we had to figure out just what we could give her to keep up her strength. Daryl gave his cousin a quick call to see if they had any heifers lately that had any calves and we were in luck. So off he went to get some milk from those cows. Baby calves when they are born really need to have mother’s milk to get them off on the right start. So at the end of about 3 1/2 hours, the new little calf is doing well sleeping on the rug in the milk house with a full belly of milk. And if you’re wondering what her name is – her name will be Scarlet. I think that’s a perfect name for her and isn’t she the prettiest calf that you’ve ever seen?DSCN7853

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Staying inside

My niece and nephew stayed over last night and because we didn’t get much time last night to do some projects, we tried to hurry and do some fun things this morning before church.

The one thing that was on our plans was to do some clay projects. Well, I thought that I had some clay up in the craft room, only to find out that I was wrong. So my niece went on YouTube and found one that would work. The only thing about the recipe that worried me was the huge amount of salt that was needed. I don’t know about your kitchen, but you either have a bunch of something.. or only a small amount to get you by. Well, luck was on our side and I had a brand new container of salt in the cupboard. We had to hurry and eat breakfast and then we started mixing the clay mixture up. The recipe is simple: 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, and 1 cup of water. You mix the flour and the salt DSCN7814and then dump the water in.DSCN7815 I told you that it was simple! The kids had fun making bowls, a football field, and even some snowman,  but we didn’t have enough time to bake them in the oven to dry before church.DSCN7816 DSCN7819The directions were to bake it around 225 degrees for about 20 minutes. But I would guess the thicker the object, the longer it would take to get done. They took the pan home to bake them at their house and I heard that once they got home they needed even more clay to work with. I guess it was a hit!

As the wind started to blow this afternoon, Daryl and I were trying to figure out just how we were going to get Sassy into the barn. The temperatures were supposed to get unbearable and if she has her calf outside, we’re worried that it’ll be too cold for a newborn. So Daryl intentionally waited on feeding them tonight and the plan was to put corn in the barn and see if Sassy would go in to eat. Sounds good right? Yea… DSCN7820The first one in the barn was Tango and we were amazed. He was probably the last one that I would expect. Then big Ed came in and took over. Once Ed was in the barn no one else could come in until he was done. (Daryl is always so worried that I get so close to the bull, so he’d probably freak if he knew that Ed eats apples out of my hands) Once Ed had enough, here comes No Ears. She’s the tamest of them all. But you think we could get Sassy to come in and stay? No way! The wind tonight was so bitter cold than when we were trying to coax her in, it felt like someone was putting burning hot wash cloths on your face. I’ve lived on this farm now for over 30 years and I have never seen a storm like this before! It looked like one of those movies when they say it was a ‘Perfect Storm’. But it was the furthest from being perfect if you ask me. I had my overalls on with two shirts, sweat shirt,insulated underwear, pants,  insulated coat, gloves, and hat, it was still cold. As for Sassy? Well, we couldn’t get her into the barn for nothing, so Daryl put some hay in the shed and we’ll try again tomorrow night. As long as she stays inside the shed, she should be OK.DSCN7821

And for Reno and Little Kitty? They both camped out in the house for most of the night and because neither one of them are house trained, they both had to sleep outside.  Now Little Kitty isn’t a problem. He knows though when he’s supposed to go out and the only trouble that you have with him is to catch him. But now Reno.. that’s another story. Kyle tried to get her to go back outside and once he got her to the door, she just looked out and walked backwards away from the door. After a couple of times doing this, we left her in until the very last minute when we wanted to go to bed. Daryl got her to finally come outside and into the barn she went for the night.

The wind is still blowing so much, I sure hope that it stops and we can get out for work tomorrow. I tried to take a picture to show you how much it’s blowing and I don’t think this does it justice. The first one is with the flash off and the second one is with the flash on. I laughed when I looked at the second one. Now maybe that DOES show just what it felt like! DSCN7831DSCN7832

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Winter storm warning for us again!

It sure seems like we’ve had more storm and blizzard warnings this year that I can ever remember!DSCN7809 Today we’re under a storm warning and in the next 2 days we’re supposed to have blizzard conditions. But so far everything has been working better outside than yesterday. Daryl put a new battery in the car and that works again. And knock on wood somewhere because the water tank is still working. Daryl even got the tractor started to clean out the yard today. DSCN7811When it gets this cold out, he plugs the tractor in to keep the motor warm. Otherwise, it gets too cold to start. I worked on getting our vacation stuff put away. When we got home on Thursday morning, we just literally dumped it in the laundry room and even I know that we made a mess. I didn’t do that much laundry yet because most of it needs to dry flat and with the weather outside.. I’m thinking that I won’t need the swim suits and shorts for quite sometime. DSCN7807

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Happy Birthday Ma!

Today was Mom’s birthday and what a roller coaster ride she had this past 5 weeks. She got home the Saturday while we were gone on vacation and is getting stronger every day.

The weather was cold and there was a pretty good wind tonight, so we just picked up some supper to go from a local restaurant and brought it over to her house to eat it with her. It was probably the quietest Birthday that she’s had in a long time but that’s OK.

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