Painting projects continue

I was lucky enough these past couple of days to keep working on some of the painting that I need to do outside. You’re not supposed to paint when the weather gets lower than 40 degrees, and I’m cutting it pretty close with the forecast to be at 38. But the wood is pretty bare and my guess is that once the paint is on, it’s going to soak up pretty fast and also dry pretty fast.

This weeks project was to get the one side of the machine shed painted white. It was looking kind of bad and I was hoping to get a chance to do it yet this fall. But I must say that I did run into a problem. My problem is that this part of the shed that I want to paint is on more of a hill and my ladder needed some ‘extra’ precautions when I was setting it up. So I came up with a good idea. My idea is to put the ladder up and then drag out this old cast iron pig water to help hold it in place. Genius right? And once I had everything in place it actually held. At first I wasn’t sure if I lost my nerve when I had the extension ladder extended and I was on the top rungs, but then I realized that with the angle of the ladder, it was almost straight up and down and I needed even more of an angle. So down I go and after dragging the heavy cast iron piece around – I was in business! I did get the part that I wanted to get done finished so that really felt good. But then I still had some paint left in the small painting pail that I was using. Don’t you just hate that? You have to either keep painting or give in and pour it back into the main pail. With the sun going down, it sure didn’t take too long for my fingers to start to get cold. But I decided that I should just keep painting and started to work on the fence by the barn. This was easy painting and my only trouble was to keep the dogs and cats away!

Here is the pictures of the before and after of the machine shed.

Trying to keep up with the painting.

Trying to keep up with the painting. It’s looking kind of bad after I got it all scraped!

After my day of painting

After my day of painting

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