Family Traditions

I had a chance today to snap a couple of pictures of our trees that we had planted on our farm tonight after work. I know that they won’t stay this way too long with the wind that we’re having, so I was glad that I had the chance tonight to get the pictures.  I’m not sure why all the trees are so beautiful this year, but who cares right? Now the old saying about looking in your own back yard really applies to how gorgeous these trees are. When I was taking the pictures, I started to think what they really represent to our family. See we planted these trees in memory of my Dad and of Daryl’s parents. It seems just like yesterday that they were planted and honestly it’s been years now since we actually did it. It’s a nice tradition that we have for our family and when we talk about the trees we call them by the name who they were planted for. Normally every year I ask William to stand by the trees and I take a picture of them. But this year that wasn’t going to work out, but I took the pictures anyway. Hopefully next year it’ll work that he’ll be home.

My dad's tree

My dad’s tree

Daryl's parents tree

Daryl’s parents tree

So after I thought about these memory trees, I started to look around our farm at the other trees that we’ve got planted. We have two evergreen trees that are named for each of the kids that are growing in our backyard. In the past we would take turns putting lights on either one or the other tree for Christmas, and I’m thinking that both trees just might be too tall this year.Last year I stood on the very top of the step ladder holding the broom and trying to get the lights up to the top. Come to think of it, that last strand still might be on the tree. oops! 

We’ve got apple trees planted the summer that Kyle started to run around the farm, and we planted a whole grove of trees that my brothers & Mom/Dad helped us plant.

When I was young, I used to hear the older folks talk about I remember when this or that tree was planted and I would think to myself, ‘how in the world do they remember that’? Seriously sometimes it’s hard to remember what I had for supper the night before. But this is different isn’t it? Just ask me about any tree on OUR farm and I can tell you when we planted it and why it was planted. And guess what? I think it’s a pretty cool family tradition.

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