
I get it. I’m a born sucker for any kitty, puppy, or calf that’s cute. But Earl… Earl is kind of pushing this whole cuteness stuff!

It all started the other day when I was literally backing out of the garage to leave. Since our car is an electric car you can hear everything that goes on outside. So what was I listening to when I was backing up? I could hear the dogs just barking and barking. My first instinct was to get the broom and convince them to be quite. Reno is scared of the broom, but Kaiser hasn’t been introduced to it by being chased through the yard. And honestly, Kaiser was the one who was barking. So like I said, the first thing I could think of was for them to quit barking! But then I gave it more thought and was wondering if maybe the cows were out? Daryl is still working some crazy hours in town and that would just be my luck. They are tame, but I was already late for an appointment that I was supposed to be at and really didn’t want to mess with putting the cows back in. So finally instead of over analyzing this whole situation, I decided to just get out and see what was going on. What I found was Earl standing up by the cattle shed just balling. The ‘big’ cows were on the other side and Earl looked like he was going to literally cry and was pretty scared. Poor thing right? Well, he’s not as tame as Scarlet and I knew that I’d have to approach this a little differently. He was kind of hanging out by the pasture and I thought that maybe he crawled under the electric fence. But after a couple of tries to get him to just go back under it – yea… I had no luck! OK, I’ll just unhook it and then he can walk through right? Well as I was unhooking it, he made a bee line to the other part of the farm and was heading down to the road. We have a lot of traffic on our road and if he went on it, well it would be the true definition of road kill. Of course the harder I tried to get the electric fence hooked up, the more frustrated I was getting. I guess Daryl made it tight so the cows couldn’t get out and it was too tight for me to just hook it back up. I kept working on it and watching Earl and finally I decided to just take one for the team. I held the part that the hook goes into with my left hand, closed my eyes, and then hooked the two together. And do you know what I was thinking? I was thinking that maybe old Earl isn’t as cute as I thought he was about 20 minutes ago 🙂 But with the cows making such a racket on one side of the fence and Earl on the other side, I was able to get the two together finally and everything was good. Finally I was off for my appointment and with hanging out so much down by the barn, I was just hoping that I didn’t smell too much like the cows!

Now fast forward to tonight. Check out who was standing in our yard when I got home from work. I have no idea how he’s getting out, but I knew that this time he was going to get back into the cow yard by the gate! I like also how the chickens and peacocks are on the wrong side of the fence!  Earl on one side and No Ears on the other. What is wrong with this picture?

Earl on one side and No Ears on the other and everyone seems to be posing!

And for the photo of the day – Butter was on sale at the grocery store! DSCN8951


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