I went to work and came home with this

I went to work this morning and it was definitely a good day! Our company owns property by the walking trail and some of the guys were clearing the path where literally trees had fallen with the last storm we had. Some of them knew that I was looking for fire wood for our campfires, and they said to bring the pickup to work today and they’d hook me up. Score right?! So after work I headed down to the trail and there were some guys down there cutting up some of the trees. I thought to myself, I sure hope I can load the truck up with the firewood and not look too clumsy. Not that I care that much how I look, but I just didn’t want to get teased for weeks and weeks. But everyone pitched in and it took maybe 10 minutes and the back of the truck was full. IMG_1756Like I said – Score for us! It’s wet wood so it’ll have to dry out for next year. Anyway, it poured on the way home tonight so it’s pretty wet anyway. We’ve got some dry stuff in the calf shed for this weekend.

And I also picked up something else tonight. I got 5 new baby chickens. I was trying to take a picture of them and either they were pretty shy or they were pretty mad – I’m not sure. When they would see the camera, they would run to the one side of the box. Then when I moved the camera they would run to the other side. IMG_1752So this is the best picture I could take of the group. It’s just a picture of their backside. Well everyone but the yellow one. But I did snap a couple of pictures of two of them on our piano that turned out OK.DSCN8546 DSCN8548 But honestly they’ll have to get used to having their picture taken if they live on our farm right?  I’m thinking they’ll be held a lot these next few days. We’ve got the family fun day tomorrow with Daryl’s side and with all the little kids coming these chicks will get handled a lot. The only trouble that I’ve got so far with the chickens is that when the front door of our house opens, in comes Little Kitty. And guess where the baby chickens are? They’re in our laundry room for now in an open box. And the laundry room doesn’t have a door –  so it would be easy picking for the cat. I did have them at first in the bathroom, but I thought it was a little bit too cold. After this weekend I’ll see about putting them in the chicken coop. But for now? As long as they don’t smell, they’re kind of fun in the house.

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