When I came home the other night I was a little confused on why the sidewalk had dirt on it. I mean, I had all the flowers planted and they were actually even starting to bloom. Then all of a sudden I could feel the puppy beside me and he was looking both pretty excited and proud at the same time. Well, I wouldn’t think he should be either of those two. Check him out.
Now normally I wouldn’t want to blame him for the hole in the flower bed and all the flowers on the sidewalk now, but his paws were filthy and he did have a dumb grin on his face. Then I thought to myself, I’ve been here before. All of a sudden it hit me. Yup, I was standing in the same spot with Apollo our last male dog. It was definitely Deja vu moment. So I checked through some pictures and I was right. Apollo also was always looking in this spot for ‘something’. Now I’m not trying to say nothing about nothing… but we’ve never had this trouble with any of the female dogs that we’ve had.
Remember this photo of Apollo?
I guess