Choose wisely…

When I woke up this morning I had a ton of things that I should be doing. Everything from planting the garden to washing the house windows. But guess what I did? I went kayaking.

Perfect day! Sunshine, Diet Coke, and animal crackers. Yup, Life if Good!

Perfect day! Sunshine, Diet Coke, and animal crackers. Yup, Life if Good!

SCORE! I was talking about it at work and some people were giving me ideas of local rivers that I could go on. Now I really wanted to do that, but we had a couple of graduation parties to go to later in the afternoon so I didn’t want to get home too late. After loading up the kayak, off I went. I spent the afternoon on the Upper Iowa and because I’ve been there before I knew that I’d be home in time for us to get to the parties. The weather was perfect, not too hot or too cold and the river was up a little bit which made it run fast. Which was also a good thing. But the river was also very crowded in spots.I mean literally when I was getting my canoe on the river a full bus pulled in with people and their canoes. So now I’m even more anxious to see if there are less traveled rivers to get my kayak on this summer. Below are a couple of pictures that I took.  I didn’t get a good picture of the turtles, or the bald eagles, but I was able to snap a picture of the raccoon that was stealing some eggs from a bird up in a tree.

Arrow is pointing to the raccoon in the tree stealing eggs

Arrow is pointing to the raccoon in the tree stealing eggs

I never get tired of the scenery on the Upper Iowa River by Decorah

I never get tired of the scenery on the Upper Iowa River by Decorah

And the photo of the day is an old tree along the bank. I liked it so much because it literally ran out of dirt to grow in and had to move over to the rocks to continue to grow. IMG_1601 copy

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