Scarlet and Good Friday

When Scarlet was born, her Mom Sassy never had anything to do with her. And because of this Scarlet had to be bottle fed and hang out in the barn for the winter. Now this isn’t the worst thing because she had quite a few barn cats and the dogs to keep her company. But these past couple of days I was thinking that it was time to get her outside for awhile and get some fresh air. I wasn’t just quite sure if I could put some type of a harness on her and walk her around the yard or just what I was going to do and then as if Daryl knew that I was thinking about letting her out, he said let’s just let her run in the cow yard. He was working on cleaning up the yard and hauling manure into the fields so someone would be around. That sounded like a much better idea. After the door was open and some coaxing – out Scarlet went into the world. OK, just the cow yard but still a pretty big world to her right? DSCN8305She walked around a little timid and then started to run and kicking up her back legs into the air. Then out of the corner of the barn comes the big cows. They seemed pretty confused on where this calf came from and the first one to check her out was Sassy. DSCN8310I was wondering if she knew that this was her calf? It didn’t take long until everyone was joining the party and what did Scarlet do? Well she came over to me and was hiding behind me like a little kid would do. Just too funny! She stayed outside while we were getting cleaned up and dressed to go out later and when it was time to lock her up for the night she came into the barn when Daryl called her. Hopefully the weather will be warm this weekend so she can get outside again.

And why were we getting ready to go out tonight? Well today was Good Friday and that means we’re at the end of our journey as Roamin’ Catholics for the year. But where to go tonight? We usually go to Red Lobster on Good Friday and that’s the only time that we can ever go there for the year. It sounds kind of dumb… but that’s what we  do. Well until this year. We knew that the boys weren’t going to be around so we made our Red Lobster journey a couple of months ago. I know… we broke ALL the rules. But we always have fun there and I guess sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. So where should we go tonight? With a lot of discussions we headed south to Frederika, Iowa. The restaurant that we were going to try was called Frederika Stein & Dine. Even though there isn’t much in the town, and only a few businesses, there are still 183 people that live in the area. We noticed that there was a lot of cars in front of the restaurant that we came to eat at, which is always a good sign and we went inside. The fish was really good and yes it was another successful fish fry! We were trying to figure out just which place had the best fish this year and I’m not sure what the answer to that question would be. But I do know that this is the best tradition that we’ve started with my brother and sister in law! And who would have thought that you could have such fun on Fridays during lent.

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