Chiropractors, Churches, and Cats


I knew that I needed to get to the Chiropractor these past few weeks and I had made an appointment for tonight earlier last week.  Now if you’re like me you know when it’s time to actually go. As for me, well my neck was making this kind of crunching sound and my back? Well let’s just say when I showed Daryl how my spine moved he said ‘that’s not normal is it?’ So off I went to Cresco. This Chiropractor has been the one that both William and I have gone to for the past how many years and we really think he goes a great job. But I had to laugh because the waiting room chairs were filled with people tonight for their appointments and I knew that when I was in his office getting adjusted  it was taking way too long. The reason is because both the Chiropractor and his wife (the assistant) really like William and was wondering how he was doing. William spent a good part of one summer going to appointments there to  get adjusted and was even put into traction to get his back and neck back into alignment. And because William can talk to pretty much everyone, they got to know him pretty good. So we talked about how William was doing in college, how his girlfriend was doing, what he was going to do this summer, …. well you get the picture. And when I finally got out of the room I could just feel the people staring at me. Now maybe it was my imagination, but for my sake I didn’t make any eye contact with any of them.


On my way back to Lawler I hesitated when I was coming up to the sign on the road for the Stone Church. Now I’ve seen this sign quite a bit in the past but haven’t ever gone to see just exactly what this church was all about. Then I thought, well I was just at the Smallest Church a couple of weeks ago, do I really want to see another church? I mean what could possibly make it so different that the other churches?  But I was only me tonight  in the car and I found myself cranking the wheel and heading east onto the next highway. And for an instant I thought that I was going to be lost, but then as I turned on this one gravel road I saw this lonely church out in the country.IMG_1462 It’s kind of weird to say, but it was really almost beautiful. The church was standing all by itself without a roof but still looking proud just as a rain storm was moving into the area. I don’t know a thing about why this church was there and I did find this information to explain it a little bit. IMG_1451There are some really old gravestones that are on one side of the church IMG_1459and when you walk inside it just almost takes your breath away.

Wouldn't this be a cool place for a wedding?

Wouldn’t this be a cool place for a wedding?

OK, I know that this is pretty dramatic, but I’m telling you that it was about the coolest thing that I’ve seen in a long time. And as you can see by the amount of the pictures that I took, I really was glad that I stopped here.IMG_1460

When I got home I could see that the rain already passed and Daryl was working on moving around some farm equipment. Every year it’s the same thing. He brings out the tractors and other equipment to get them washed off from the winter and see if there is any repairs that will need to get done before field work starts. And when it’s about time to use them, the yard seems more crowded than it was in the beginning of spring. This year the farmers will probably get in the field a little later than normal. I took a picture of one of the ditches that I saw tonight on my way home.

Snow still in the ditches and a lot of it!

Snow still in the ditches and a lot of it!

Yea, with that much snow we’ll need to warm up soon to get all the frost out of the fields.


Well it was bound to happen. Little Kitty got in a brawl with someone and got her back all scraped up last night. I’m not sure if it was another Tom Cat or if it was Kaiser playing rough- but either way the scratch isn’t too bad, but it’ll take some time to grow the hair back!IMG_1471

And for the photo of the day I chose a picture that I took tonight of the church. I only had my little pocket camera with me, but I’m king of digging this photo!  I think if you stare at the clouds in the back of the church it almost seems like they are moving. IMG_1457

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One Response to Chiropractors, Churches, and Cats

  1. tammy k. says:

    poor little kitty! the last tom cat we had was a big old fluff ball who really was more of a lover than a fighter. the vet told us that if the cat had wounds on the rear end it was because he ran away and if the wounds were on the front the cat was a fighter and stayed to fight! but my guess would be that little kitty and kaiser were playing, just looking at where the fur is missing.

    that stone church is beautiful. i can see why you were drawn to it. it just has a lot of character and presence (if that makes sense).

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