Christmas lights and naps

It’s true. I finally got the lights off the fence and most of our trees that were decorated for Christmas. Now to my defense, the snow around the fence line finally melted this last week so I could even get to the lights. I did have trouble with William’s tree, and I’ll have to come back later with a ladder to get it untangled. But what a good job that was to have done! After the lights were packaged up and put away, the next thing was to get the Christmas tree down in the Roadhouse. We’re hosting my niece’s baby shower on Saturday and I’m thinking that the tree just wouldn’t fit the theme of the party. I had some time to also work out in the Roadhouse getting it re-organized and cleaned up. I really like how it’s set up now for Saturday and it should work pretty well. I’ve got some decorations to make yet and a few other things and then we’ll be ready! One of the things that I needed inside the Roadhouse today was water. Daryl had shut it off for the winter and it was time to get it back running again. He had to replace one of the valves so that meant he had to shut the water off to do it. DSCN8192It’s kind of weird because he’s climbed into the pit a lot since we’re married to work on something down there, but today I realized just how scary it is to have him in there in case something happened. But he just laughs and crawls down in.

Daryl coming out of the well after he fixed the water in the Roadhouse

Daryl coming out of the well after he fixed the water in the Roadhouse

And just how is Kaiser doing? Well my niece and nephew came over this afternoon to play with him and after quite a bit of playing tag and chasing a ball, the puppy was pretty tired. We turned the nipco on because it was getting kind of cold inside the building tonight and it didn’t take long when the kids were gone that the puppy just couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. He needed a nap after playing that hard. DSCN8202We let him sleep for awhile and then we got him up and brought him into the house to eat before he went to bed.  Now we noticed that Little Kitty was acting really strange all day today and didn’t want to eat anything and literally just moped around the house. If you picked him up he would just kind of bend in your arms and didn’t care about anything. So we finally came up with the idea that he must be jealous of the new dog. I mean, there really wasn’t anything wrong with the cat.

He wouldn't even LOOK at anyone today. Big baby!!

He wouldn’t even LOOK at anyone today. Big baby!!

And at the end of the day, Little Kitty was acting more like himself. I took a picture of him keeping an eye on the puppy when he’s in the house. Too funny!

Kaiser eating a snack before bedtime and Little Kitty not excited about this whole thing at all!

Check out Little Kitty watching from under the table

And I got done in the Roadhouse with what I wanted to do today, I froze the celery that was the fridge that I made the other day. Man oh man I think we’re really set for any soup or dish that is calling for celery to be added!

Maybe just a little bit too much celery

Maybe just a little bit too much celery

The picture of the day is one that Kyle took of some of the kids in his classroom in South Korea. The taller girl is the co-teacher for the room. The kids in his class are 4 to 5 years old.961020_683424016414_218968192_n

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One Response to Christmas lights and naps

  1. tammy k. says:

    oh your new puppy is adorable! i bet reno and little kitty are a bit jealous. the puppy is going to wear them out. i remember puppy days – they last a while!

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