Happy Chickens

The weather today was really nice. Who would have thought that just yesterday it was so crazy! So when the weather is nice outside not only do we really start enjoying the sunshine, but so do the farm animals. Lately we’ve been lucky to get maybe 1 or possibly 2 eggs a day from our chickens, and that would even be pushing it. But today? Check them out. IMG_1347And I’m not sure who laid the really big one, but I’m positive that it has a double yolk inside. Our regular eggs would be considered extra large, so this guy is really big!

Like I said the sun was out today and it really melted a lot of the snow. I snapped a quick picture to show the snow on the sides of the road by our farm. I can’t believe how much they shrunk just in one day! That’s good because we’re getting ready for the next storm to blow in later this week. Now that’s not a surprise is it? IMG_1345

And since the weather was so nice, Kyle helped me take the garland off the front porch and the lights. We had Christmas later this year, so it was nice to keep it up for a little bit longer. Now taking it down isn’t a bad job, but it’s a job that is so much better when you have help. The garland went into the garden where the Christmas tree is and when it gets to be spring (someday right?) we’ll burn both of them. I’m hoping that with that fire it’ll also take out some of the weed seeds that are just lurking in the ground from last year. Man I sure hope that my garden is better this year!

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