One more sleep and Roller Coasters

When the kids were little, we measured time by how many sleeps you had until something special happened. Well, we pick Kyle up at the airport tomorrow night and William is also coming home for Christmas break tomorrow. YEA!!  So we have one more sleep until the kids are both back home again. We’re trying to get everything organized because William is planning on being home for a couple of weeks and Kyle will be home until February and then he will be going back to South Korea for a year. It seems like such a roller coaster with the boys coming and going – but I’m so glad that we’re able to have them both home with us again this year for Christmas. I know some year that isn’t going to be the case, so I’m sure that they’ll both get smothered for the next month or so while I have them both home with us.

Tonight I’m working on getting Kyle’s room all cleaned up and organized for tomorrow. I’ve got William’s room all ready for him, but Kyle’s room has some of Daryl’s folk’s things yet in it and I just have to get it moved out and his bedding washed. I’m not for sure what the plans are for me tomorrow night with my Mom, so I need to have everything ready. We’re planning on stopping in at the hospital tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours on the way to pick up Kyle to see her and I’ll probably stay with Mom while Daryl heads north to the airport to get Kyle. Then they’ll stop back at the hospital I’m thinking around 2 am to see if we all will be staying there with her or if only I will be staying the night. Whew! I guess it’s not just your kids create the roller coaster, I think it’s just something called life.

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