A little bit of everything today – Saturday

Today’s weather started out not so bad which was a good way to start. There are so many weddings in the area today that I’m sure hoping that the rain will hold out until later today. But that wasn’t the case. We were heading to a wedding in our town for the afternoon and just as we were leaving, it started to pour. The good thing was that after the wedding ceremony the rain did stop just long enough to get the bride and groom out of the church and into their vehicles without getting too wet. We on the other hand was heading to a wake after the ceremony and by the time we got there the rain started again. Oh well, I’m pretty sure we won’t melt. The wake was for a good friend of Daryl’s that had her dad pass away, so it worked really well for us to make a drive over to visit with her for awhile in between the ceremony and reception of the wedding. Then back for the reception we went. DSCN7289After a good meal, we decided to head home in between the reception and dance and then made the mistake of sitting down to watch some TV. Well, I guess you could call it that. When we sat down to watch TV, bam! we feel asleep. When we woke up we debated if we should head back into town or just call it a night. So we decided to go to town and we were sure glad that we did. The dance was tons of fun!

At the end of the day, we ended up getting around 1/2 of an inch of rain which will sure help keep the dust down. And I’m sure next week you’ll see a lot of farmers out in the field.

Picture of my new purchase from yesterday. When the wind hits the fins, it looks cool

Picture of my new purchase from yesterday. When the wind hits the fins, it looks cool

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