Saturday, Heading out for Ragbrai

Here we go. Daryl wasn’t able to go this year to Ragbrai, so I have to be honest it was a little weird at first not having him along. I wish that he could have gone, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out. So once the trailer was packed and everyone was ‘pretty’ sure that they had everything, off we headed to Council Bluffs. Now I don’t know how to describe the ride out to the overnight town. There’s anticipation on how the ride is going to be, talk about who you know is going to be on the ride for the week and who isn’t, and it’s just a lot of fun. You’ll always see other buses along the way on the highways, packed full with bikes and just stuff for the riders to live in for a week. We were so lucky again that my brother’s have a truck and trailer that we can use, and my one brother had revamped it so all the bikes can be mounted on the wall instead of trying to figure out how to pack the bikes in it. It just works so slick. After a couple of stops along they way, we eventually found ourselves at the host house and were hoping that we could get a good night sleep before the big ride in the morning.

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