The Amish Life

I’m back to trying to live the Amish life again. Now before you start rolling your eyes and say things like ‘not again!’, hear me out.

This time I’m trying to be more like the Amish because I think they have scheduled their week and must stick to it. They always say that they bake on a certain day, and they also do laundry on a certain day, so they must be good at it. Well, anyway good at keeping their schedules. And have you ever seen a stressed looking Amish lady? I haven’t.  So I made a schedule for what I should be doing every day of the week, you know.. kind of like the Amish.  That way when the week is over, I will have everything accomplished that I need to. This whole schedule idea came about when I took a 1/2 day of vacation to catch up on the housework and paperwork. Yea, not cool. I really don’t like taking any vacation hours at work to clean the house, but man at the end of the day – I was very happy what I accomplished. But I for sure don’t want to make taking vacation days to clean a habit. So I got out some paper and a pen and made my list. On the list one day is for getting groceries, another for laundry, and well you get the picture. I’ve kind of been able to follow the list and even if I can do have of it, it’s much better than being disorganized.

So yesterday was Monday and I knew that it was grocery day. Check it off the list 🙂

And today is Tuesday. Now what was I supposed to do tonight? I better find my list again.

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