What a good day to….

What a good day to … now you think I should say paint right? And with everything that I’ve been writing that I need to get done, I probably should also say paint. But the truth is that I didn’t even pick up a paint brush today. After I mowed for awhile this morning – I hurried up and got my swimming suit on and headed north to Decorah to spend time on the Upper Iowa River. I met up with my two of my sisters and we were off to go kayaking. I was telling them how much fun I had last week, so we arranged to go today. But when we were heading to the river, it started to rain. We didn’t think it would be too bad, and the kayaks are plastic not metal (like canoes) so we didn’t think that we would get into trouble. But in the first hour it started to rain harder and harder. We kept our hopes up and tried to keep thinking that it would stop. Like my sister says, ‘your glass needs to be half full not half empty’. I was just hoping that we kept talking about glasses and not kayaks being half full!  But the weather did turn around and the sun did come put. The weather turned out just perfect. Then my one sister got caught up on a old tree and it tipped her kayak right over. When my other sister came around the bend – over she went! It was pretty scary and I thought that I should maybe stop to help, but then I knew for sure that I would be the third to tip. So I went down the river a little bit and picked up all the stuff that was floating down… oars, bags, and kayaks! When we got everything put back where it belonged, the only thing that was lost was two sunglasses and a beach towel. Not bad for the mess it was at the time. After we got down the river a little bit we started to laugh. Then we laughed more and more!  I thought – isn’t it nice that even though there can be bad times and some even tough times on the river, you can still have a good laugh with your sisters.

Upper Iowa River

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2 Responses to What a good day to….

  1. Sherry says:

    Okay, I take it back…maybe you Aren’t having way too much fun this summer! Ha.
    You are working hard and having fun too! You’re farm looks sooo nice!
    After reading about your sisters tipping over their kayaks, I feel pretty good about my NOT tipping 🙂

  2. farm2011 says:

    I couldn’t believe that anyone tipped! We started up higher on the river and there was a couple of bad spots that could tip you. Next time, (hopefully yet this summer) we will be ready for those areas!

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