Two things that I learned today – Thursday

OK, the first thing that I learned was that I am definitely a stress eater. I know that I posted about this before, and once again tonight I can prove my theory is correct. I got home from work and my list to do was very long. Well I grabbed a container of pickled herring and this is what it looked like when I opened it



And this is what it looks like after about 5 minutes.



I also was able to get a terrible belly ache along with it.

So the next thing that I learned was that snakes and lawnmowers don’t go well together. I wanted to re-mow the ditches and yard because it was looking pretty bad, but I also knew that the ditch was pretty wet and I would have to mow it with the push mower. Yea, the snake ditch and push  mower. But as the afternoon went on, I did see two snakes and the one poor snake got all caught up with the mower. I did feel bad for a couple of …. seconds.

While I was working on getting everything mowed, Daryl was still working on planting. Everything was going well for him until things started to go wrong. He stopped for what was supposed to be only a couple of minutes, and found out that he was spending way too much time on the mill, he finally gave up on that and was going to get his tractor home from the repair shop. Well, one thing went to another, and soon he was calling because the tractor belt broke and it needed to get that fixed now. We knew that we were going to have a tight schedule, and I guess it was too tight after all. He did get the corn all planted and only has a little bit of beans left ot plant. The Co-op came out and sprayed before the rain started tonight, so that was actually one thing that actually did work out! In the mean time, I think I better keep the chickens out of the corn until the mill gets fixed!DSCN6184

Working this year with Daryl's new planter

Working this year with Daryl’s new planter


Bulk fertilizer

Bulk fertilizer





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