Sun Dogs

I was  putting gas in the car tonight after work because I had only about a fourth tank of gas and with the cold weather that we’re supposed to have tonight – I wanted to have enough in the tank so that I wouldn’t risk it freezing. Now I don’t know if it really would freeze, but honestly who wants to take the chance right? So instead of going right home after work, off to the gas station I went to fill the car up for the night. When I was sitting at the gas station (yes with the car running) I was just sitting there checking stuff out and noticed the sun dogs out in the west. Now what I know about sun dogs is that they are formed by ice crystals in the sky and they say it’s supposed to mean a change of weather. Man I sure hope that who ever made up that rule is right and that we will be seeing a change of weather. It’s been really cold and a little bit warmer wouldn’t hurt anything. So while the car was filling up with gas, I quick snapped a picture to show how cool they looked. It didn’t take long for them to disappear, because when I was driving to our farm the one side already faded and the other side was already gone. Sometimes the sun dogs are so bright that they will even form a rainbow around the sun. Pretty cool.. literally.

Sun dogs in the evening sky tonight


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