The Blizzard hits

When I woke up this morning, I knew that the bad weather was here. It didn’t seem as bad as everyone was saying that it was going to be and that was the problem. Because it was ‘bad’ and not horribly bad, I didn’t know if I should chance it to go to work or not. Not that I was trying to get out of going to work, but I just didn’t want to get stuck there or half way home. Daryl took his truck out and headed to town and I asked him to call me when he got there. He said the highway wasn’t bad, but I should wait for the snow plow for our gravel road. OK, that was my plan. So after about an hour the snow plow went and the wind also picked up. Aaahhh , I just hate not knowing if you should leave and try it or not. But finally I decided to give it a shot and off I went. It wasn’t too bad, but the drifts were already starting on the gravels when I left. I made it to work just fine and within the next hour it was getting worse outside again. So I decided to head home  before I couldn’t make it back. I was only at work for 1 1/2 hours, but at least I gave it a shot. Now tonight when Daryl came home, he said the gravel roads were pretty much closed in and I’ll have to wait again until the plow goes through before I’ll be able to get out. The drifts are so hard that it’ll be really easy to get stuck in one of them. We are still in a blizzard advisory and when I was outside earlier doing the chores, I couldn’t believe how loud the wind was. I’ve never heard it like that since we’ve lived on the farm. If it was summer time and you heard that wind, you would be thinking about going to the basement because you would be expecting a very bad storm coming.

It was cold today and it's supposed to get even colder

Some birds found the corn that spilled when Daryl ground feed last time. What a treat for them today!

So what did I do with my day since I wasn’t at work? Well, the boys and I watched some Christmas movies, I did some laundry, Kyle made some cookies,  and the boys decorated the Christmas tree. It was nice that they were able to decorate the tree together because I don’t have any idea on how long ago it was since they were able to do that. William had some trouble with getting the Christmas train going, but after awhile I could hear the familiar sound of it again. We weren’t sure how old that train really is by now. My Mom gave it to William maybe 16 (?) years ago,  and it’s the second to the last thing that goes with decorating the tree. The last thing is that Daryl puts the angel on the top. I’m not sure if anyone else has as many traditions as we do, especially around Christmas time.

Just getting started

Working on the ornaments

Setting up the Christmas train under the tree

After William and I made some caramels, I made a couple of batches of other types of candy for some platters that I need to have done on Saturday. We ended the night by playing a couple of games of euchre, and at least this time the boys didn’t skunk us! Now to head to bed and wait for the snow plow man in the morning. I have to remember to get him a Christmas bottle for helping us with the snow. One of our friends asked why we would ever get the snow plow man a gift? He seems to really look out for us, and it sure couldn’t hurt now could it?

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