Next Project – Milk House

I was almost going to put in the title that this project was done, but that wouldn’t be exactly true. I have most of it done, but there are still some things that I’d like to do yet to finish it off.

What am I talking about? I’m talking about the old milk house on the farm. I was able to start working on it to get it cleaned and organized the other day. Whew! What a job that was.

Before pictures of the old Milk House

The first thing that I had to do was to have my sister come and get the extra windows and door that we got last year. They were free from my sister-in-laws Mom when she remodeled, and at the time we didn’t know how many we were going to use in the Roadhouse, so we took the windows and door that she was going to get rid of. We ended up using two of them and then the other windows were on their way down to my sister’s house for her next project. Talk about traveling windows huh?  Then I had to clean out all the empty paint pails. I was going to see if I could recycle some of them, and I think there might be a couple that I could. But the majority of them will just need to be tossed. I’m hoping that the garbage man won’t freak out when he sees this!

When is Garbage Day?

After sorting through stuff, it didn’t take too long to find the floor and I knew that I was close to having it organized. I tried to keep as many of the screws, nuts, and bolts that I could… but after awhile I decided if we really had to have this many anyway? I mean they’ve been in the milk house for some time now and no one came looking for them right? So I made the decision to keep what I could and then move on. What this really means is that I kept a fair amount and the rest that was on the floor I threw away. I was tired of sorting nails and the dirt. Finally, I had the room where I wanted it to be at the end of this cleaning. I still want to paint and make it ‘cute’ for next year, but for this fall I’d like to put the lawn furniture in there for the winter. And now I’ve got all winter to figure out what I’m going to do with it. I talked about one time adding a small porch to it so it can be kind of a little cottage. But when I told Daryl about that, he just gave me one of ‘those looks’. OK, maybe we don’t really need a cottage, but maybe I’ll come up with an even better idea by next spring …….

The first step done, getting the room cleaned out

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2 Responses to Next Project – Milk House

  1. tammy k. says:

    I think it would be a perfect place for overnight guests to stay. Good luck convincing Daryl to let you turn it into a cottage!

  2. farm2011 says:

    Too funny! I think for now it’ll have to be a storage shed. But who knows what next year will bring 🙂

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