Looking for Christmas Lights

You would think that if you needed some Christmas lights all you’d have to do is to go to the store and buy them right? Well that’s not the case that I’m finding out. If you remember that the dogs at a couple more lights the other day and I was going to go and buy a some more boxes. It turned out that the ones that I wanted are discontinued. This is NOT good news. So the hardware store called around and did get a couple more boxes in for us. Daryl was in New Hampton today so he picked them up. But I knew that we needed more than what he was going to get, so I went to the hardware store in Decorah to see what they had. I knew that they had the same kind but didn’t know if they were the same size. They aren’t the same size but so close that you can’t hardly notice it. So we hurried and restrung the porch tonight and I took a picture. You just never knew how long they’ll all the lights will be lit.

All the lights working tonight!

I found this sink in the chicken house and used the branches from the broken tree limb

And not to jinks this – but I wonder why do the dogs leave the fence lights alone? They haven’t bothered them as far as we know and since we only have a couple more weeks left until Christmas, I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

Our farm from the road

We painted some in the Roadhouse this afternoon. I wanted to get it all done when we started, but pretty soon after we started I found out that it was one of those times when you really didn’t want to be painting and was looking for some excuse to get out of it. When I was thinking of why I shouldn’t be painting – all of a sudden the Nipco started to sputter and then it ran out of gas. Yea!! Since I lost the heat in the shed, I thought I’d better stop painting until later this weekend. Boy that sure worked out really good for me!

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3 Responses to Looking for Christmas Lights

  1. Judy says:

    Wow–your place looks awesome!!!!

  2. Sherry Elwood says:

    Wow! Very beautiful!!

  3. farm2011 says:

    Thanks for the nice comments. So far so good – all the lights are still on and the dogs haven’t wrecked anymore … yet!

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